Can-Pack UK joins Alupro
The Aluminium Packing Recycling Organisation (Alupro) is pleased to welcome Can-Pack UK Ltd as its newest member.
Scunthorpe-based Can-Pack UK Ltd is wholly owned by the Can-Pack Group, which is headquartered in Krakow, Poland and is a leading manufacturer of high quality aluminium beverage cans supplying a variety of both domestic and export clients, including some of the biggest names in the drinks industry.
Philip Fisher, Managing Director Can-Pack UK said: “Having supported Alupro’s Every Can Counts programme for the past three years, we have seen the real value that can be added in supporting the use of this fantastic material. We are therefore now pleased to be able to widen our support of the broader aims of Alupro. Aluminium is an almost infinitely recyclable material and joining Alupro, through the many recycling programmes and initiatives it runs, we are supporting its efforts in recovering as much of the valuable material as possible.”
Rick Hindley, Executive Director of Alupro said: “Adding Can-Pack UK to our growing membership demonstrates the company’s commitment to supporting our efforts in driving up recycling rates. Can-Pack UK’s membership is also recognition that working with the wider metal packaging industry through programmes such as MetalMatters and Every Can Counts, as well as in partnership with local authorities, the waste management industry and the community recycling sector, can play a significant role in achieving our shared objectives.”
Can-Pack UK joins a growing number of companies involved in all aspects of the aluminium packaging sector who all share the common goal of striving to increase aluminium packaging recycling rates to achieve, and exceed, the Government’s recycling targets.
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