Every Can Counts
Every Can Counts inspires, encourages and empowers people to recycle their empty drink cans – wherever they are.
The programme has established a reputation for its innovative approach to communications and its commitment to making recycling fun. From eye-catching art installations in city centres to ambassadors with iconic can recycling backpacks roaming major events, Every Can Counts knows how to turn heads and get people thinking about recycling.
The programme also provides practical advice and support to businesses wanting to start, or improve their, recycling. This support includes providing free collection containers and promotional materials, through to help finding a recycling contractor.
Benefits of using Every Can Counts
- Any organisation can take part. Whether you have 2 staff or 2,000 the programme can be tailored to your needs. We work with offices, supermarkets, schools, manufacturing sites, and shopping centres – to name just a few!
- We offer free recycling starter packs. We provide a ready-made tool kit to help you start collecting cans. Our starter pack contains collection boxes, sacks and posters. To request yours, simply complete our online form.
- We’ll help you find a collection partner. If you don’t currently have a can recycling programme we can help you to find a suitable local collector or we can work with your existing contractor to ensure the cans you collect are put back into the recycling loop. Either email us or call us on 01527 597 757.
- The ISO:14001 standard exists to help organisations minimise their effect on the environment, so setting up a recycling programme such as Every Can Counts would be a really positive step towards your business achieving this accreditation.
- And it’s not just about cans: many businesses find that introducing Every Can Counts in their organisation leads to a greater awareness of recycling of all materials and increases staff participation in existing recycling programmes.
Successes so far
To date we have signed up thousands of organisations to the programme, there are more than 2,500 sites using the programme and over 13,000 Every Can Counts branded recycling points around the UK.
Since the programme began we’ve made it easier for consumers to recycle drink cans and make a difference to environmental change right across Europe. Every Can Counts has successfully established itself as the umbrella brand for promoting drink can recycling across Europe and beyond, with programmes running in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Czechia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Spain.
To find out more please take a look at our website or call 01527 597 757