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Most local authorities already recycle mixed cans. They are easily collected within both commingled or source separated systems, and materials recovery facilities (MRFs) are well-equipped to sort aluminium from steel.
In recent years, many councils have added materials like aerosols, foil trays and household foil to meet householders’ desire to recycle more at home. Alupro would like to see all local authorities collecting all these materials and realising the value from this material stream.
We know that householders are keen to recycle more materials. Alupro offers a range of support to local authorities who are expanding or promoting their recycling activity, including communications resources to help achieve maximum participation (see our Resource Library).
The government’s Waste Policy Review 2011 highlighted aluminium as a priority material for recycling initiatives and it is a core part of Alupro’s mission to encourage and support those authorities that are collecting, or would like to capture more, of this valuable waste stream.
Introducing aluminium cans, foil trays, aerosols and household foil to a recycling collection scheme expands the range of materials that residents can recycle with little, or minimal, additional cost. And with Landfill Tax set at £98 per tonne in 2022, removing aluminium from landfill streams is becoming increasingly important.