Alupro to discuss importance of policy in driving higher recycling rates for aluminium packaging at sustainability strategy event

Next week (6 June), Martin Hyde, Sustainability & Public Affairs Manager at Alupro, will share his thoughts on the pivotal role of policy in supporting a sustainable future for UK aluminium at the 2024 ALFED EnvironmentAl Sustainability Strategy Day.

Taking place at BMA House in central London, the event will bring together hundreds of delegates from across the UK aluminium supply chain to discuss navigating the industry’s journey to net zero. Alongside insightful workshops, technology showcases and networking opportunities, the event will host a number of keynote presentations from some of the sectors most renowned thought leaders.

As part of the afternoon agenda, Hyde will join the ‘Next steps for UK aluminium’ panel discussion, alongside representatives from seven other member organisations. Hosted by Dr Mark Jones from the Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST), the 45-minute session will see a broad range of topics discussed, including best practice strategies to help decarbonise the sector.

Representing aluminium packaging, Hyde will explore the pivotal role of policy in supporting the industry’s sustainable future. Alongside reporting on the sector’s recent progress and successes, he will showcase Alupro’s 2024 Aluminium Manifesto, which details policy changes needed to achieve a world-class recycling system across the UK.

Commenting on the event, Hyde said: “The ALFED EnvironmentAl Sustainability Strategy Day is a great opportunity to connect with peers from across the aluminium supply chain and discuss best practice approaches to support the industry’s pathway towards net zero.

“I’m looking forward to sharing the latest iteration of our pioneering manifesto, which celebrates the positive progress made to date, as well as communicating the views of the aluminium packaging industry when it comes to required improvements. Alongside calling for change across infrastructure, communications and legislation, the report flags confusion around Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the need for sector-specific innovation support.”

To download Alupros updated manifesto, visit


Aluminium packaging hits 68% recycling rate in 2023

According to annual data published on the National Packaging Waste Database by the Environment Agency, * the UK’s aluminium packaging recycling rate hit an impressive 68% in 2023. A record-breaking 162,357 tonnes were recycled nationwide, including more than four in five beverage cans (81%).

Despite a rapidly growing domestic market, aluminium packaging collected through kerbside, bring and on-the-go systems increased by 13% year-on-year (115,382, compared to 102,195 in 2022). Elsewhere, tonnage recovered from incinerator bottom ash (IBA) shot up by 17% (45,632 compared to 38,982).

Commenting on the announcement, Tom Giddings, executive director of Alupro, said: “I’m delighted to announce record-breaking recycling volumes for 2023. While more aluminium packaging was placed on the domestic market than last year, it’s pleasing to see that recycling rates have more than kept up with pace.

“As an industry, we’ve been investing heavily in optimising our collection and recycling infrastructure for the past 20 years and we’re now reaping the rewards of this long-term commitment. Despite ongoing delays and uncertainty surrounding proposed changes to national recycling legislation, the sector is continuing to deliver over and above annual targets.

“Aluminium is quickly becoming a material of choice for many brands, hence the growth of the domestic market. Alongside boasting a wide range of superior benefits for packaging applications, it’s a safe material to work with from a sustainability perspective. Having robust national recycling systems in place is the icing on the cake, enabling used packaging to be recycled over and over again – the perfect circular economy.”

Chris Latham-Warde of Every Can Counts, Alupro’s communications programme aimed at driving drink can recycling, added: “Such an impressive recycling rate reflects ever-increasing public awareness about environmental issues and the widespread benefits of recycling. Over the past 12 months, Every Can Counts and MetalMatters have continued to engage with consumers across the UK and Ireland to inspire further progress when it comes to improving recycling rates at home and on the go.

“As we continue into 2024, we remain optimistic that the impact of these initiatives will help to further improve best practice recycling behaviours and drive collection figures even higher.”

For more information about MetalMatters and Every Can Counts behavioural change programmes, visit .To access the latest aluminium packaging recycling data, visit the National Packaging Waste Database (NPWD).

* Data sourced from the National Packaging Waste Database (NPWD).


Alupro launches updated Aluminium Manifesto for 2024

Earlier this week (30 April), Alupro published a refreshed version of its pioneering Aluminium Manifesto. Initially launched in 2022, the Aluminium Manifesto outlines the views of the aluminium packaging industry and details the changes needed to deliver a world-class recycling system for the UK.

Alongside highlighting the positive progress made to date, including discussions surrounding the Simpler Recycling policy and a binary labelling system, the 2024 update also identifies where more progress is needed. This includes addressing confusion around Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the need for sector-specific innovation support.

Its seven key asks call for changes to existing infrastructure, consistent communications and well-designed legislation.

Tom Giddings, executive director of Alupro, commented: “Aluminium packaging plays a vital role in achieving a circular economy. Our updated manifesto not only serves as a progress report, but also as a renewed call to action for the entire aluminium packaging supply chain.

“Our industry is incredibly proud of the improvement in recycling rates we’ve achieved over the last 10 years, with over 80% of beverage cans and nearly 70% of all aluminium packaging being recycled in recent years. More remarkable still, this has been driven on a voluntary basis by Alupro members, but we’re reaching the limit of what’s possible without significant regulatory support.

“Our manifesto outlines seven key requests needed to deliver a world-class recycling system for the UK and, while we’re encouraged by the small steps made in the past two years, there’s still work to be done. We hope that it will serve as a roadmap to achieve a 100% recycling rate for aluminium packaging, foster collaboration and maximise the contribution of aluminium packaging to a circular economy in the UK.”

To read or download the updated manifesto, visit: